Friday, December 4, 2009

Some recipes I use

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Chicken Pox from long term sub-clinical gluten intolerence

Noodles baaaad!

in my own analysis I believe your immune system has to be in the toilet in order to contract and suffer adult chicken pox...but why? That is the question.

in sequence:
This whole thing started out as slightly swollen mastoids and a few itchy hives on a Monday.
The following Friday 08/21/09 these small blisters appeared and I knew it wasn't a simple sinus infection.

They're so cute when they're little.

each day brought a changing blister status, very swollen glands and a new level of discomfort.

yellow scabs appeared

Horton hears a who? ...had blisters inside and outside my ear.

I'm told adults can die from this virus!

The following Monday I went to the ER.The Doctor took one look at me and said this is chicken pox.I remember the relief I felt after this dressing was applied.The blisters were photo sensitive to even the smallest indoor lighting.

Treatment was keflex 2 grams and valtrex 2 grams daily for 7 days.I also took 3 to 4 grams of L-Lysine along with huge doses of ascorbic acid plus I lived on echinacea tea.The highest count of AA I remember taking was over 35 grams in one day and I never hit my bowl tolerence.Per Cathcart, this virus requires an IV of sodium ascorbate @ 50 grams to neutralize.IF ONLY!

I found a paste to apply to the blisters on Cathcart's site.The paste was amazingly soothing and dried up the weeping (spreading) blisters fast.Up to this point I had been washing it with Braggs ACV, that was somewhat soothing but the smell started to gag me....topically, acid is like kryptonite to pox.
Cathcart's recipe at the bottom.

Drying up stage.

Last pic is the two week point from the first appearance of the small tell tale blisters - I look and feel better.

The viral symptoms affected the inside of my brain also, it pretty much shut down the ability to think beyond the immediate moment, make any kind of decision or remembering when and if I took my pills and or ate anything.I had zero appetite, lots of sweats and chills.Two or three consecutive hours of sleep was the most I could get.I could not sleep at night, it was insane.It seemed to me that all of my brain functions had dangerously shorted out of balance.
I kept a journal faithfully to help my recovery.

My hard drive gluten epiphany...
in the midst of treating this virus, Eric brought me a pint of chicken noodle soup.I had been living on tea and 1 slice of oat bread toast.I was too weak to care about pouring the soup into a bowl so I pulled off the top of the pint container and drank the broth, it felt good, soothing, so I laid down and slept. I woke up felling good with a little appetite and went back for the noodles on the bottom of the pint container.Within 20 minutes after eating the noodles my blisters were screaming with pain - up to this point I had not experienced any hard pain, just soarness and mild burning with a high level of all around discomfort.Noodles baaaad.TBC.

Looking back through the decades and the illnesses I battled:

1969 emergency appendectomy
1975 postpartum PID
1979 epidural = arachnoiditis
1982 hep B
1990's musculo/skeletal pain oral


Cathcart's recipe: 1 gram baking soda + 1 gram AA - add a few drops of water to make a paste and apply it.I used this formula on the dog when she got 3 hot spots from (we think) flea bites in the middle of Sept.It healed the two spots on her back within a few days - the hair grew back.The third spot on her tail needed more attention because she could reach to bite it.
Note: regarding vitamin C - any oral dose for dogs should be calcium ascorbate only.You can make the paste with AA.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

GF Gnoccoci

just what I was looking for...
via gluten Free Sox Fan

swing and a miss for me on this recipe I'm not sure what I did wrong, will work on the pasta dough in the near steps.


Thursday, September 17, 2009

and casein too??

via: Gluten Free Casein Free (GFCF) and Not Starving

A New Dairy Free Yogurt

For those who are looking for a soy free non dairy yogurt - here is another alternative - cultured coconut milk by So Delicious.

or make your own...

Homemade Coconut Milk Yogurt


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cornbread with rice flour


I just popped this recipe in the oven.

1-1/4 cups flour
3/4 cup corn meal
1 teaspoon xanthan gum (optional)
1/4 cup sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt (optional)
1 cup skim milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
2 egg whites or 1 egg, beaten

Heat oven to 400 degrees F. Grease 8 or 9 inch square pan. Combine dry ingredients. Stir in milk, oil, and egg, mixing just until dry ingredients are moistened. Pour batter into prepared pan. Bake 20-25 minutes or until light golden brown and wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean.

I've forgotten to the xanthan gum a couple of times, it's more crumbly without but still good.

For the flour I use 1 cup goya rice flour and 1/4 cup corn starch if I want a coarser texture. If I want it fluffier, more like the corn muffin box mixes, I use 3/4 cup rice flour and 1/2 cup corn starch.

If I'm making it for a savory dish, like stuffing or with gravy, I use half as much sugar.

It seems to take a few minutes longer to bake when it's gluten free. I give it 25 minutes, then check to see if it's turning brown. My oven doesn't bake evenly, though, and that might be why it takes longer.

I usually add a handful or two of frozen corn to the mixture before baking. I've also added a couple of tablespoons of salsa.

This recipe is pretty goof proof. I make it a lot, and it always seems to come out great!
from some celiac forum


Domata Living Flour


cup for cup a substitute for wheat flour!

a review from Rachel's Recipes:

"I used this flour mix in several of my recipes – for cornbread, waffles & pancakes, and Better Than Brownies. It performed beautifully in every test. Everyone praised the taste of all the recipes – no one noticed the results as anything different from my regular flours. It was incredibly handy to be able to simply measure out the flour total for all the recipes rather than measuring for the flour, then the starch(es), then the xanthan gum. Cutting out 2 steps from a recipe is great! Cutting those steps also makes cooking easier for my children, which is fabulous!

We give Domata Living Flour 4 spotlights out of five. I would love to see an option with a higher nutritional value – if it had that, I would happily give it 5 spotlights."

Ed, the man behind Domata Living Flour writes:

"In this world, many of our wounds, both physical and mental can show us our true inner strengths. I personally faced death twice before properly diagnosed with Celiac disease. During stabilization of my condition, God laid it on our hearts to produce an All Purpose Flour that was number one (1) delicious and easy to work with, and number two (2) affordable and easily attainable. Domata is God’s company; the opportunity to work for Him has been a fantastic blessing for all of us."

I called my local wegmans and whole foods, neither carry it.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Karina's Kitchen

a blog I've returned to many times has a very helpful top ten list of gluten free products.

Plus her own recipes like this one for a herbed foccocia bread that I plan on trying.

